
The Sublime Text editor is definitely one of our favorites! It offers a free version for testing, but all continual users are required to pay $99 to keep it active. We highly recommend testing each one to see which one works best for your own workflow. Some of these are also considered IDEs, which stands for “integrated development environment.” Meaning you can do a lot more with them than simply write code. Here’s a collection of our favorite text editors. 📋 Check out the top ones! Click to Tweet Collection of the Best Text Editors (And Some IDEs) There's nothing more satisfying than finding the perfect text editor. You’ll also find some great editors for collaboration, real-time code sharing, and much more.

Some of the text editors are excellent for experienced developers, while others are more for beginners or writers. Today we’ll outline the absolute best text editor solutions. Whether you’re writing PHP, or simply taking notes for a project, there are plenty of great tools to make this task a little easier. Many of us bounce in and out of them all day long. From development teams to publishers, text and code editors are intertwined with almost everyone’s workflows. A text editor may sound boring to some, but it’s the lifeblood of so many organizations around the world.